Alex France
May 19, 2023 12:46 PM

Can I reclaim VAT for the laptop purchased for office staff?

Can I reclaim VAT for the laptop purchased for office staff?

All Replies (6)
Josna Thomas
1 year ago

Yes if used for business purposes.

1 year ago

VAT can be claimed for goods and services used for the purpose of business.

Jayadev Menon
1 year ago

Yes if used for business purposes 

Bryce Dsouza
1 year ago

The FTA has clarified that if goods or services are purchased for use by employees for their personal benefit, including the provision of entertainment services, then the VAT incurred on the cost is not recoverable unless an exception applies.

This means that all companies, including ‘designated government entities’, which provide entertainment services to employees are prevented from recovering any VAT included on such costs.

The only circumstances in which a taxable person is entitled to recover VAT on such costs are: where it is a legal obligation to provide those services or goods to those employees; it is a contractual obligation or documented policy to provide those services or goods to those employees so that they may perform their role and it can be proven to be normal business practice; and where the provision of goods or services is a deemed supply under the provisions of the decree-law.

So in this scenario that you have mentioned, it is possible to recover VAT for the laptop purchased for office staff in UAE.

1 year ago

Yes, If the business is registered under VAT, they can claim a refund on expenses

Sam Alex
1 year ago

Yes, you can claim VAT on the laptop purchased for your staff, because it is for your business purposes.

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